Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bad Dreams?

So Tiffany woke up this morning after a restless night filled with strange, bad dreams. Luckily she quickly realized that it was all a bad dream . . . and she's back in reality, having left the comfort of her home and friends, living in a hotel with five children in a foreign country with bizarre customs where she neither speaks or understands the language, trying to find a house to accommodate the family without the assistance of a centralized MLS system, and concerned about the cost of everything with the added stress of a brand new monetary system with which she is unfamiliar.

Whew! Lucky those dreams last night were just dreams. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I just had an Oopherectomy and such and since then keep having dreams about a man ina purple suit. I wonder if he is the real estate agent looking for you! The first time we went to the beach in Israel someone offered to buy Tanner. Just keep smiling and laughing and mae every moment a memory!
