Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Eagle's Nest

Monday morning we began by reporting to the International School Nido de Aguilas. It's the school where, if all goes as planned, all five of the children will attend. We turned in a bunch of paperwork and had a tour of the campus. There are several seperate buildings, including an elementary, middle and high schools. The kids all seemed to like it.
We then spent a couple of hours looking at a few more houses. A couple were rather nice; and a couple were not so appealing. I spent a good part of the afternoon at the Embassy doing inprocessing, after I had dropped the older kids off at the May's house. Sara May is Lindsay's age and they go to church with us.
The rest of us joined them a bit later for a little swim in the pool, grilled steaks and burgers, and a wonderful family night. We all had a really good time.
Tuesday we didn't venture out too much, at least for houses. In the early afternoon, I took Peter, Lindsay, Carley and Hyrum on the subway and then walked to the May's again. The older three kids spent the afternoon hanging out at a mall and saw a movie. They seemed to have a good time. After dropping them off, Hyrum and I returned to the hotel via subway. It was pretty warm out.
I spent another lovely afternoon at the Embassy while Tiffany put her courage to the test and ventured out to a little park with Hyrum and Luke. They only got lost once.
We all had dinner in our hotel room . . . leftovers and some corn we bought from a guy on the street.

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