Monday, February 23, 2009

"Foreign" Things

No paper products - unless you're having a party..... in which case they come in colored packs of six and are won't find a single paper plate, utensil, or cup on the napkin/paper towel isle......they just don't sell them! My horrible paper habit of 10 years has come to an abrupt halt and my dishwashing skills have instantaneously improved! :-)

No Cheddar Cheese - instead there is white cheese broken down into weird circular or worm-like shapes.....tastes like goat cheese or something you'd find on an exotic salad at a restaurant

Bland Food - Chilean cuisine is bland - no spice whatsoever - a friend of mine said......."Have you ever seen a Chilean restaurant in the States? I answered....."No". She then said....."There's a reason for that". You'd think this would help me trim down a bit - so far.....NOT A CHANCE! :/

Loaded Vehicle = air conditioning and front air bags if you're lucky...

MLS - What's that?.......instead we have 5 realtors working for us

Strays Everwhere - stray dogs......even stray HORSES! How bizarre is that? Have you ever read Dr. Seuss' Go Dogs, Go!? They are everywhere. Huge ones, small ones, cute ones, ugly ones,....dogs, dogs, dogs. Haven't seen any with hats though (Dr. Seuss humor). I used to be afraid of dogs......not so much anymore. These dogs are, for the most part, so docile. Very Foreign! The horses that we keep seeing (2 in particular) roam the streets and hillside near the kids' school, NIDO de Aguilas. They're gorgeous!

Jugglers/Cheerleaders - It's not uncommon to pull up to a stoplight to see a 6 yr. old child in front of the cars juggling tennis balls or whatever they can get their hands on. When the light is about to change, the juggler walks through the cars hoping for a few pesos before heading to the other side of cars who have a red light. Groups of cheerleaders being tossed in the air are often seen as well.

Street Grocers - Who needs a grocery store? You can pick up breads, crackers, fresh fruit, water bottles, ice cream, flowers, etc. - all while waiting for a stoplight to turn green. It's the BEST!

Car Watchers - It's common to see a gentleman standing in a parking lot pointing to where you should park and supposedly "watching" your car while you are away from it. When you return, he's still there and will help you back out (even if there's not a thing behind you). All for a few pesos.

Gas Station Etiquette 101 - This is a course I'm still learning.....I haven't figured this all out just yet, but who would ever choose "Self Serve"? Gas attendants pump your gas, wash your windows, check/change your oil if you choose, put air in your tires, etc. Again.....all for a few extra pesos. The dollar may not always be strong here.....but your pesos go a long way!


  1. It is so good to know that you are getting used to that new life style. I do miss that, special if i need something to cook i could just cross to a little store to get it. Love you guys, and our prayers are with you.
    Tyler y Familia

  2. It is so good to know how well are guys adapting to that life style. We really enjoy reading your blog. We love you and have you in our prayers.

  3. Ah the joy of international living. I am really quite jealous of you. Love you guys>

  4. Makes me want to come right over and visit you guys! Ugh, NOT. I am such a spoiled AMERICAN but it does sound like you are having WAY too much fun and are in need of a goody package from the USA. Just tell me where to send it, will ya?

  5. Good to know you're adjusting to your trendsetting, international lifestyles! We sure miss you guys and wish you all the best.

  6. We have loved following your adventures, esp. like the foreign things, favorites and Luke's pre-church comments!

  7. I Love reading your austral adventures :D
